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Blake Chats with Henry Hammerslac of Applewood Distillery

In a captivating conversation, Feels Botanical co-founder Blake sat down with Henry Hammerslac from Applewood Distillery to discuss the creation of Feels Botanical Spirits and the distinctive category of Eau de Vie. The interview explored the four unique expressions of Feels Botanical Spirits, each designed to evoke different moods and occasions, with three botanicals contributing to each expression's flavour profile.

Blake delved into the challenges and opportunities within the spirits industry, emphasizing the importance of creating unique and versatile products that cater to diverse venues and consumers. He shared examples of creative cocktails and highlighted the positive reception of their products in international markets.

For aspiring entrepreneurs, Blake offered valuable advice on understanding the route to market, managing cash flow, and maintaining a clear brand essence. He expressed optimism for the future of the Australian distilling industry and the continued growth of unique and innovative products.

Listen now to this insightful interview, offering a deep dive into the world of Feels Botanical Spirits and the ever-evolving spirits industry.

Interviewer: Henry Hammersla
For a living: Brand ambassador @applewooddistillery 
Favourite Feels Cocktail: Feels Vivify Daiquiri 
Follow along: @applewoodhenry

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