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Next Level Smoked Snapper


2 Tbsp Soy sauce
1 Tbsp Maple Syrup
3 Garlic cloves
2 Tbsp Lemon juice
1 Tbsp 5 spice blend
1 knob Ginger
4 Snapper Fillets (skin off)
2 packets of Lemongrass and ginger tea
2 Star anise
Cinnamon quill
1 tsp Sugar
2 red Chillies
30ml Feels Bask

Method for Smoked Snapper

  1. Combine soy sauce, maple syrup, garlic, ginger, 5 spice blend and lemon juice in a blender or small processor and blitz until smooth, this is your marinade. 
  2. Remove 3 Tbsp of the marinade and cover the snapper with the rest for 30 minutes or overnight.
  3. For smoking, add star anise, cinnamon and rice to a skillet without oil and toast for 2 minutes.
  4. Fold aluminium foil to create a sacked four layers (2 cross folds) and place in a wok, add the cinnamon, chilli, tea, sugar, cinnamon quill, rice and star anise on top. 
  5. Use a steaming basket or a device to create some room between a colander and the wok (you want the smoke to circulate).
  6. Place snapper on top, cover wok with aluminium foil and lid and turn heat to high. 
  7. Wait 1-2 minutes for smoke to begin to appear before turning heat to low-medium and cooking for 7-8 minutes. Set aside.
  8. Add saved marinade to a wok on medium high heat and cook pak chou and shishito peppers for 3-5 minutes until slightly soft. Serve with snapper on top.


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